The last couple of days have been all about friends for me, reminding me of how treasured friendship is and how much I treasure my friends. On Sunday my morning started with a f/b message from a high school friend in Britain. She had been sorting through her loft and had come across a little book on friendship that I had sent her for her 18th birthday (40 years ago!). She sent me a picture of the cover and inscription. We had been firm friends through high school and exchanged many long newsy letters when I emigrated to Canada. I remember one of her letters in particular which our puppy chewed when it came through the mail slot. Her words were spread like confetti across our carpet and I raced around trying to gather them to piece her letter together. Later on the same day I received another f/b private message from someone whose name I didn't recognise. She had spotted my name in a facebook group and asked if I was the same Susan Blott who lived on Edward Street and went to Eston infant and junior school. It turned out she was an old friend from school who had changed her name when she married. She told me that I was her first friend in school. I'm not sure why but that made me glow. We've spent the last couple of days catching up on our lives and peeking at each other's f/b pages. So lovely to catch up with her again. I remember our walks to school and playing twosies. She said that my mam always made her feel welcome when she called by on the way to and from school. My mam died 5 years ago and it felt good to hear her remembered so fondly.
My yesterday concluded with a delicious dinner with a good friend--her belated birthday treat to me. We were both amazed to discover that we had spent 3 hours in the restaurant chatting and sharing fears and hopes. Then when I got home, a dear friend in Tasmania messaged me and we chatted long into my night and deep into her day. She was a penpal (email penpal I suppose is the modern term!) of my Mam's. After Mam died, Fran and I got in touch and have grown very close despite the distance. She is one of my staunchest supporters (and I hope she feels I am one of hers). The angel at the beginning of this blog was given to me by Liza--our sons played together when very young. The angel hangs on my bathroom cabinet--a daily reminder of the power and comfort of friendship. The picture below is of a magnet I keep on my fridge, sent by a cherished friend, Linda, in BC. We've known each other since university. The delightful sentiment is true and, I hope, one that is true for you in your life. May you receive and give the gift of friendship today.
Sue Blott
4/3/2019 01:45:53 pm
Thank you, Francine! Yes, friends are so precious.
Sue Blott
4/3/2019 01:47:07 pm
Thank you, Lori Ann, that's a delightful way to look at it!
Sue Blott
4/3/2019 01:48:57 pm
Thank you, Effy! <3
4/3/2019 01:48:41 pm
What a beautiful post. I love that all of these things are popping up together.
Sue Blott
4/3/2019 01:50:54 pm
Thank you, Rachel! Sometimes it takes the reflection of a blog to realise how everything is so linked.
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AuthorWelcome! I'm Sue Blott: a writer of all things, a poet at heart, mom, wife, daughter, step-mom, grandma, tea drinker, tai chi-er, mystic, artist, dreamer...and now a blogger! This is my world. Categories |